We believe that we are created to praise God and that our chief aim is to worship God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God and the Lord of our lives. We believe in the pre-existence of Jesus, his virgin birth, sinless life, and sacrificial death, glorious resurrection, and ascension into heaven and the second coming.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead and that he indwells every true believer. His work within, is essential to victorious Christian Living.
We believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant word of God; therefore the scripture is our final authority.
We believe that salvation is given to us by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Eternal Security of believers.
We believe that prayer is the means by which we are empowered to do the work of the Lord.
We believe in the anointed leadership of the Pastor, and that the most valuable human asset of the church is an anointed, Spirit-filled, Godly Pastor.
We believe that teaching is the catalyst for transforming and changing lives, therefore the ministry of Christian Education is the foundational ministry that under grids all other ministries of the church.
We believe that the Christian life is the beginning of a journey of continuous growth in Christ’s likeness (Discipleship).
We believe that the family was designed by God and that God’s design for a marriage is male and female union.
We believe in the priesthood of believers, and that every believer is a minister. Therefore, every member should work in ministry according to their spiritual gifts.
We believe that every believer has been called to bare witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Evangelism).
We believe that God’s plan to finance his church is through tithes and offerings of his people. We believe in a unified budget where there is accountability of the funds.
We believe that death is not the cessation of life but that, through faith in Jesus Christ, it is the new beginning of life eternal with God.
We believe that every person will give an account of their stewardship of time, talents and treasure before God one day.
We believe that there is a literal Hell for unbelievers after death and that there is a place called Heaven for believers.